Coach Education | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

How to Make Opportunity from Chaos: A Real Life Example

Last week I wrote about how constraints led practice fast tracks development of batters against spin.

Last night I was faced with my own set of constraints as my beloved Millfield cricket "bubble" indoor facility was flattened by 'Storm Clodagh'.

How to Measure Fielding Effectiveness in Training

In a game that is full of stats, we are still searching for a way of assessing and measuring fielding effectiveness.

Fielding Drill: Tennis Inspired Pick Up and Throw

Kate Warne-Holland - Millfield's fantastic Director of Tennis - recently ran a drill that inspired me to adapt it for cricket.

Become Fielding CEO and Watch Your "Stock Price" Rise

When I was Head Coach of Somerset, my main intention was to develop a fielding unit that would smash all others out of the park.

We worked significantly on our positioning, our specificity with specialist deep fielders, "box men " and slips. We ensured that everyone could high catch and dive in an effective fashion. We focussed on our high traffic area fielders being excellent stump hitters.

How to Use Airlines to Improve Outfielding

A mate of mine used to fly for one of the budget airlines. He let me into a secret about their landing strategies; they come in very steep in their descent and land heavy, often bouncing a little on the runway before all the wheels are rolling smoothly on the tarmac. The reason, so he claims, is to save fuel. Less time in the air equals less fuel burned.

Use These Drills to Become the Manny Pacquiao of Batting

The second of the Graham Thorpe batting against fast bowling drill packages is fun, functional and a wonderful drill to layer up with last weeks drill.

Batting Drill: Graham Thorpe Short Ball Ramp Drill

I had a great pleasure of working alongside England Lead batting coach, Graham Thorpe last week. Graham presented a batting masterclass which covered his approaches to developing quality players of pace and spin.

Thorpey's philosophy to coaching any batter, irrespective of age, was to 'coach back from the challenges of International game'. The first International game challenge that he identified was the fast, short pitched delivery.

Beyond Drills: What, Why, How and Measurement Questions to Aid Player Development

Here at Millfield School, the UK season has drawn to a close. The players have had a few weeks off cricket and are now itching to get back into the cricket bubble and hone their skills for next season.

Over the past week, the coaches at school have been interviewing each player as part of out review and planning process. This guides the players and the coaches (both internally and externally) through a long winter training period.

Follow This Simple Coaching Formula to Remove Weaknesses

Here is a simple coaching formula:

Admiration + Bags of bravery = More coaching knowledge

Chumps to Champs in 12 Months

2015 gave me the most amazing coaching experience of my career.

It was a huge privilege to work with a top group of blokes who taught me heaps about desire, commitment and team-work. All the more incredible given that the average age of the team was 14.

In December 2014 I inherited a team who had lost 70% of their games in the previous season. Feedback from that year centred on a lack of leadership, the selfishness of one or two key players and the general lack of cricketing ability.

12 months on and largely the same of players lifted the England Schools Cricket Association National T20 Cup.

So how did this group of players do it?