Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

What cricket can learn from the Crossfit phenomenon

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Mention the word Crossfit to 10 different people and you will get 11 opinions, but is this controversial training method something cricketers can benefit from?

Initially popularised by the US military and rescue services, Crossfit has been adopted across the word as a simple, effective way to get fit and strong.

And if miCoach has one aim it's to help people get fitter and stronger for cricket.

The Homer Simpson guide to alcohol and cricket

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Whether you are a Simpsons fan or not, Homer is one fine philosopher.

Beer, he once said, is the solution to, and the cause of all life's problems. Which is a great way of summing up the relationship between cricketers and alcohol (in the West at least).

Most cricket clubs have a tradition of drinking after games. On tour the drinking can be before, during and after!

It's the grease that oils the social wheels.

Fielding Drills: No anticipation

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Purpose: To practice close catching without the anticipation of an obvious feed from the coach.

Description: Fielders line up in a cordon behind the coaches left shoulder (if right handed). The coach feeds throws to the fielders by swinging his arm round. The coach should try and prevent the fielders from being able to anticipate the throw as it is hidden by his or her body.


Closing the gap: How your club can become more professional

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Club cricket standards have never been higher.

I was shown that recently when I went to watch the four best amateur teams in the UK compete for the Cockspur Club Twenty20 Cup.

How to use the PitchVision Academy archives

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I have had a couple of questions recently on how to access the information contained in the PitchVision Academy archives. I thought I would clarify by giving you this simple guide.

The site is spilt into two:

  • freely available content.
  • premium online coaching course and ebooks.

There are several ways you can check out either or both, depending on how you want to find things.

miCoach is taking a short break

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I'm taking a few days holiday this week but don't fear. I have written several new articles that will appear over the coming days for you to enjoy. There is also a new miCoach Cricket Show this week.

in other words, you should not notice that I'm away!

However, if you are getting in touch for any reason, please remember it may take longer than normal for me to respond.

Everything will be back to normal next week.

Cricket Show 8: Cricket nutrition from the archives

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As I am on holiday this week I have decided to go back to an old podcast I did in 2007. I spoke with sport nutrition expert Dr. John Berardi about a range of topics including:

  • 5 ways to immediately improve your nutrition
  • What to eat on matchday
  • Tips on eating for health, appearance and performance
  • The growing importance of fish oil

The links we discuss during our chat are:

How to be a stand-in captain

It was my turn to make the teas one Saturday, so I was in the club kitchen buttering piles of bread. It was lucky I got there early because as I buttered away one of the selectors walked in.

"Hi David, you know you are skippering the 2nd XI today don't you?"

I didn't.

It was the first I had heard, a few hours before the start of play.

Cricket bestseller list

Every now and again I reveal what books are selling fastest through the Amazon store we have here on miCoach.

As you may already know, I get a small commission (about 4%) every time you buy a book, DVD or anything else through this site. I use the vouchers Amazon sends me to buy more books and help make miCoach better (and to keep it free).

So here are the latest bestselling cricket books through miCoach, in order of popularity:

Cricket Show 7: Ask the Coaches

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Kevin and I return to answering your questions this week. If you have a question you are dying to have answered please contact us.

Some of the things we discuss include: