Quick Cricket Tip: Wintering your equipment

There comes a time for most cricketers where they have to put their kit away for the winter.
It's a sad day, and for many players putting our cricket equipment to bed for winter involves getting home and shoving the bag somewhere out of sight until winter nets start.
Although this might lead to nothing more than an unpleasant smelling surprise when you dig out your whites there are a couple of important things to do when putting your kit away.
To protect your bat, store your equipment in a dry place with natural moisture in the air. If your bat gets too wet it will swell, if it gets too dry (say after being stored in an airing cupboard) it will crack.
Your other equipment is hardier and doesnt need quite the same care, but its worth doing running repairs (taping up gloves etc.) before you put it away.
To protect your nose, wash your kit before you store it.